Shopping Guide
Follow these step-by-step instructions to learn how to buy on our website.
1- You can see the picture below showing the homepage of our website.
2- When you Click on any Category, you will see all the products from that category like following;
On this page you can Use diffrent filters to see your desired list of products, you also have option to change products listing view and sort the products by Prices, new and by best rated.
3- Around all over the website when you mouseover the product you can see diffrent option like following;
Here you can Add products to compare their prices, characteristics and much more. You can also add products to your favourate list. You can click on small search icon which will display short detail of the product, for full detail you can click on picture or products name.
You can click on blue Add to cart button that will add the product into your basket.
4- Your Cart Page:
As you can see cart icon on top right, when you click on that shopping will appear like below. You can see products in diffrent blocks like normal price products, special offer products and free gifts products. All your selected products listed here with total amount at bottom left corner. Now you can press continue shopping button to add more products or click on checkout button to proceed the order to next step.
5- Create account / Login:
When you click on checkout button you will see the following page. If you are a new customer you will create an account with us for now and for placing orders in future as well otherwise if you already registered with us just login with you email and password to continue.
6- New User:
For creating new account you need to fill up few of your information same as given below in the picture and you will get register with us. Next time you can use your email and password on the login page to place an order with us and enjoy as well some other extra features like loyality program.
7- Checkout:
After login or registered with us as new user you can see your final checkout page as given below. You can still remove some products from the list or add more by going back to the website from menu categories or home page. Once you click on the Checkout button in the middle below, your order will placed and you will recieve a confirmation email with detail of your order.